Adulting 101

Eglin’s Military & Family Readiness Center is excited to host Adulting 101, a self-enrichment workshop designed for young adults of any age. (Classes exclusively for high schoolers will be offered June 6 and July 18.) This workshop helps to provide basic life skills that can greatly assist with navigating the daily challenges of modern adult life.

Topics include recognizing personality traits, conducting oneself in the workplace, and financial matters like budgeting, credit issues, insurance, and renting vs. buying a home. Participants will also gain insights on healthy dating relationships, mental wellness, and self care.

Sessions will be held at the M&FRC (Bldg 205) and are open to anyone with base access. Attire is comfortable and snacks are allowed. Please call the M&FRC to register.

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Before You Say, “I Do”

Start building the foundation for a healthy, long-term marriage with the Eglin Military & Family Readiness Center’s “Before You Say ‘I Do!'” workshop. Designed to provide helpful information, tools, and resources to couples who are considering that next step in their relationship, this workshop addresses such topics as expectations, roles, communication, conflict, finances, intimacy… and even in-laws! Participants will leave with an improved awareness of compatibility as well as a fuller understanding of the foundations of marriage. Participation is available in person or virtually via ZoomGov. Please call the M&FRC to register.

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Couples Care Services

Eglin’s Military & Family Readiness Center welcomes all couples to take advantage of their Couples Care Services. A variety of resources can be provided to help couples strengthen their relationships and effectively deal with the challenges of military life. Issues addressed include: coping with stress, discussing differences, strengthening your relationship, difficult topics, keeping the spark alive, and navigating the deployment cycle. For more details, contact the M&FRC at 850.882.9060.

Couples Connect

“Build the Relationship that You Love!” — Eglin’s Military & Family Readiness Center invites all Eglin couples, married or dating, to Couples’ Connect! One Friday each month, the M&FRC will facilitate a fun couples’ night out, allowing couples a special time together that focuses on keeping love alive, promoting resiliency, and fostering healthy relationships.

A mix of activities and “real talk” discussion topics throughout this year will include:

  • Who Are You as an Individual & as a Couple?
  • Poetry Night
  • Conflict Resolution & Whose Role Is It?
  • Love Languages
  • Estate Planning & Money
  • Communication Skills
  • Dealing with Military Life
  • Sex & Intimacy
  • Line Dancing
  • Karaoke Night

Attire is comfortable and each month will feature a themed potluck. To register or to receive more information, please call the M&FRC at 850.882.9060. Spots are limited and available first come, first served.

Couples with children may be eligible for FREE child care at the Eglin CDC’s Parents Night Out. Ask the M&FRC for full details when registering.

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Grief & Loss Support

The Eglin Military & Family Readiness Center’s Grief & Loss Support Group is a valuable resource for those who have experienced loss such as death, divorce, relationship issues, illness or other major life changes. The emotions experienced during these events can be overwhelming, but a support group can be a helpful tool in processing and overcoming them. This support group meets virtually through ZoomGov once a month to provide a medium for peers to share information and resources, connect through shared emotions, and utilize an outlet for disclosure without judgment. Contact the M&FRC to learn more and to register.

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Heart Link

After a loved one joins the military, their spouse and family members may need assistance in learning how to navigate through the unique aspects of a military lifestyle. Heart Link helps to empower spouses and family members by providing community and base wide resources to enhance mission readiness. Heart Link provides attendees with an opportunity to learn, network, and to have FUN!

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Navigating the Divorce Process

Divorce is a difficult process. Even when both parties want to cooperate, emotions run high, making it difficult to make objective decisions. Simple suggestions on the do’s and don’ts can help keep the divorce process running smoothly for everyone involved.

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Time Management Tips & Tools

Discover practical techniques for managing time and increasing your professional and personal effectiveness. Learn how to devote time to the most important tasks and goals, how to organize yourself and how to organize your environment.

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