FREE PCS Child Care


U.S. Air Force military members or spouses who PCS in or out of their duty station are eligible for 20 hours of FREE child care per child, provided for by the Air Force Aid Society. Certificates are issued by the Eglin Military & Family Readiness Center and may only be used at Eglin Family Child Care certified provider homes.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Member of the Air Force, active duty or active duty retiring
  • Obtain PCS certificate/voucher from M&FRC
  • Copy of PCS Orders

Certificates are good within 60 days of departure and arrival date from/at Eglin AFB.


U.S. Army, Navy and Marine families assigned to, living on, or working on Eglin AFB who PCS in or out of their duty station are eligible for 20 hours of FREE child care per child. Families may use the child care within 60 days before departure or 60 days upon arriving at the new installation.

Eligibility Requirements:

Please contact Eglin’s M&FRC or the Eglin FCC office to learn more.