Family Child Care Provider of the Year

We need your assistance in choosing a 2024 Provider of the Year! The Provider of the Year Award was established by the Department of the Air Force as a tool to recognize the FCC Provider who exceeds expectations for military families. We love all of our Providers which makes it impossible to choose just ONE.

We want to recognize the Providers who go above and beyond for their FCC families. We ask parents to nominate an FCC Provider of the Year because you see the providers on a daily basis and have firsthand experience how providers meet your and your family’s needs. Your nominations are appreciated and will directly affect the outcome of who is recognized as Family Child Care Provider of the Year.

Thank you for taking time to assist; and, more than anything, thank you for letting us care for your children. Please identify your selection for Provider of the Year. When nominating a Family Child Care Provider of the Year, please include details about your experience and items that should be recognized.

For example
:• Fostering a love of reading by taking trips to the library weekly
• Embracing their role as a loving extension of your family
• Offering activities that highlight each child’s individual cultures
• Responding to children with kindness, respect, and general interest

Thank you!
Your Eglin Family Child Care Office

If you have any questions, please contact the Family Child Care office by phone at 850-882-2994 or email